• Project Title – Raising Research Capacity of Georgian HEIs through Developing R&D Units
  • Source of funding – EU EACEA ERASMUS+ KA2 ACTION (Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education)
  • Coordinating Institution – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
  • Project Coordinator  – Prof. Marine Chitashvili
  • Institutional Coordinator – Assoc.Prof.Dr. M. Murat Erguvan, Vice Rector for Science and Research
  • Project Number – 598207-EPP-1-2018-1- GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
  • Agreement Number – 2018-2578
  • Website – herd.tsu.ge, Value –  €931,648.00, Funds  managed by IBSU – €25,105.00

The general aims of the project are as follows:

  • To establish a joint research platform that would facilitate the planning, implementation and evaluation of research activities in the target universities.  
  • To create an Online Georgian Research Portal that will display the state-of-the art information on the activities, human resources and infrastructure of the academic institutions in Georgia.
  • To upgrade the research management and data analysis skills of university administrative personnel for producing high quality research management, analyzing institutional research data and providing ground for further forecasting and strategic planning. 
  • To enhance the capacity of the target universities in respect to research transfer and university-industry collaboration.

Project Partners from “Program Countries”: 

  1. Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD) – Germany
  2. Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) – France
  3. University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) – France

Georgian Partners:

  1. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) (HERD Project Coordinator)
  2. Ilia State University (ISU)
  3. Georgian Technical University (GTU)
  4. Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU)
  5. Akaki Tsereteli State University (ATSU)
  6. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (BSU)
  7. Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TESAU)
  8. V.Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire (TSC)
  9. Caucasus University (CU)
  10. David Tvildiani Medical University (DTMU)
  11. International Black Sea University (IBSU)
  12. Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA)
  13. Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (MESCS)
  14. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG)
  15. National Center for Education Quality Enhancement (NCEQE)
  16. Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA)
  17. National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia (IPCG)

HERD -ის პროექტში ჩართულ აკადემიურ პერსონალთან შემაჯამებელი შეხვედრა გაიმართა – იხილეთ ბმული

დასრულდა ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული „Erasmus+“-ის KA2-ის პროგრამის პროექტი ,,საქართველოს უმაღლეს საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულებებში სამეცნიერო კვლევების განვითარების ხელშეწყობა“ – იხილეთ ბმული